Wednesday, 19 February 2014

So here's what you've missed.....

Well first of all I'm disgusted that it's been over a year since I last wrote on here. Shameful!! But here's a few words........oh and here's a pic of Milla's birthday cake from this year. Terrible photo and terribly rushed cake. I think I'm jinxed when it comes to her birthday parties - last year a broken finger 3 days before and this year the worst sinus infection I've ever had.

So here know at the start of Glee where one of the characters super speedily gives you an update of the past few episodes? Well here’s my super speedy, almost breathless update of what’s going on at the Millamaloo show.

"So the craziness started when my darling Milla broke her arm at school. Two weeks later my dear husband severely broke his arm. Surgery, 2 plates, 2 pins, 16 screws, 12 weeks off work, and 6 months of rehab later he’s kind of back to normal. Then I was diagnosed with Ross River Fever (probably because I was pretty much a single mother for 3 months - my hats off to single mothers everywhere. Frankly, I'm not cut out for it!). Little boy Dane (3) diagnosed with a speech delay and started speech therapy. And all the while we’re busy demolishing an old house and designing and building a new house – and moving house 5 times in 16 months. On top of that I’ve got my ‘real’ job as a research analyst for a media company and a wee little business selling orthoptic eye patches that I started in July last year. And that’s what’s happened in my little life in the past 6 months."

So now that you’re kind of caught up, here’s where it’s at at the moment. My little eye patch business has gone ballistic. Like, totally NUTS! Here I was thinking it would be an order a month and I’d do it just to help other patching families out (little boy Dane has been patching for 3.5 years). But apparently there are about a billion kids in Australia having to patch an eye. Okay that might be a slight exaggeration but you get the drift. So my little community service venture has ended up being a real business. Unfortunately not real enough to quit my day job but that’s okay since I really enjoy my day job. But I certainly have learnt a lot about setting up commerce websites, setting up companies, getting insurance etc etc. Good learning curve. 

This is my bubba boy when he was little. His eye is so super blue because he wears a contact lens in it. It's tinted blue so it's easier for us to find in the carpet, on the grass, in his bed etc (yes, that happens). 

So this strange little turn of events, discovering this tiny little niche market, has meant that sewing & creating time for me is almost non-existent. I spend my mumma days being a mumma (who am I kidding, that's a 24 hour a day job!), work days working and my evenings working (or folding mountains of washing). Add to that the fact that we’re living at my mother-in-law’s until our house is finished, and my sewing ‘space’ is a small desk shoved into the corner of a store room and I’m not feeling particularly creative. Space is probably a bit of an exaggeration there actually. It’s more like a spot. Or a piece of carpet. Sure, I've made Dane a library bag for kindy and Milla a new dress but other than that it’s been ‘real’ work, ‘real’ work and ‘patch’ work all the way.

My fantasy of course is that when we move into our new house in a few months, I’ll also win lotto and not have to work at all. And then I can sew to my heart’s content and enjoy my totally awesome new sewing room. 

This is my craft room as of about a month ago. 
It has external walls now and hopefully plasterboard by the end of next week. Yipee!

I’d say the reality will be that my sewing room becomes a bit of a shrine to that creative spark inside of me and when my kids are grown up and I’m semi-retired I’ll be able to use the 5 gazillion metres of gorgeous fabric I have piled neatly in lovely shelves around my beautiful sewing room (at the moment they’re piled not so neatly into cupboards in the aforementioned store room).

Such is life though isn’t it. Sigh. So anyhoo that might explain why there’s not a heck of a lot going on in Millamaloo land. But I tell you what, if you need some eye patches I’m your gal!  Hopefully see you in a few months when my new sewing room is finished, I've won lotto and/or I’m semi-retired ;)